Today we finally got back to work. This is the first day of holiday that we have when both dad and I are at home since the start of the year.
Mum and dad are on holidays and have expressed the wish to "go camping" in the boat before my university resumes. This leaves me and dad exactly two weeks to finish with the cabin of the boat.
We had a nasty surprise when removing the covers from the boat in the morning. Rain had somehow got in and the cockpit sole had collected water and the wood had changed color since we had not yet added the fiberglass on the top face.
Far Right: Wood changed color due to water accumulation |
We started off by cutting a piece of plywood for reinforcing underneath the cabin sole. Then we glued it in place and glassed the joint.
Dad adding the fiberglass to the new reinforcement |
We also added this piece of wood as we intend to add hatches in the cabin sole to use as storage of some small items that we can keep in the boat itself. Also, the hatches will make it easier to do maintenance on the boat in case of cracks by hitting a rock.
Then we proceeded to glue the reinforcement underneath the triangle of wood at the bow of the boat.
All glued in place |
Finally we used our electric block plane to make the inwales perfectly flat for the decking of the boat to come onto it.
Plane flat |