Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Boat bundled

Sad news for the followers of the blog. Due to the (very) high possibility of being hit by a tropical storm, we had to remove the marquee and bundle up Serenite like a little child. It also looks like its going to have to stay this for a long time until the cyclone season is over.  It is also good news for dad's leg that has been hurting him as he will be able to rest.

Below is the boat bundled up and protected against the rays of the sun since we have not yet painted her on the outside. (The two big black boards placed there are to prevent the says of the sun from reaching underneath the boat where it is not yet painted.)

The large pieces of cardboard were placed there to prevent the rays of the sun from overheating the marquee which might cause it to adhere to the surface of the boat's epoxy. Even bundled up like that the shape of the boat is clearly visible and looks really beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Hope dad's legs get better... I wish to ride on serenity soooooo badly... Awaiting your sail Serenity..

